Tag Archives: all

How To Concentrate

DAILY MUSE | Feeling a little low today, and lacking inspiration, I decided to Google “creativity” and clicked on the video listings. I came across a link that brought me to several videos by Tony Buzan, apparent creator of the mind-mapping technique. These were a series short and very basic videos, but they offer something of a positive value, because after watching a few I felt noticeably brighter, clearer and more upbeat. Here is on “How to Concentrate”. After watching it, I’m no longer a creative problem solver. I’m now a creative solution finder.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

How To Concentrate, posted with vodpod

Excuses, Excuses

DAILY MUSE | Boy, do I have excuses for not having posted since… November! I-yigh-yigh! Here they are. Work. The Holidays. Family. Sloth. Working out (I have lost 14 pounds and am getting in great shape). Oh and there’s my newly rekindled interest in cooking. Yesterday, I made a killer pot roast recipe. Lately, I’ve been interested in making ‘one-pot’ meals and also revisiting old classics (but finding killer recipes of them with lots of flavor… no boring old foods pass these lips). Anyway… that’s a sampling of the many excuses I have for not having posted in a while. I’m not going to make any puffed up promises, either. At this point, I’ll just take it one day at a time.

p.s. Did I forget to mention ‘Project Runway’?

It’s Been So Long

DAILY MUSE | Well, I sure didn’t live up to my promises did I? I spent the summer wrapped up in work, my Miata convertible and my new MAC book. This past week I restarted a work-out program (Power 90) that I had done a few years ago to magnificent results. Hoping for that, and then some, this time around.

Here is a picture I took for my avatar on the P90 website… in case any of you are wondering what I actually look like. I’m hoping in six months I won’t look anything like this. Well that’s a bit too much self loathing isn’t it. Well, maybe I’m hoping I’ll just look like a better version of the me in that picture. You know that fit guy with the totally sick body that’s lurking underneath there… somewhere.


TODAY’S MUSE: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

DAILY MUSE | Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the release of The Beatles “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” in Britian. Today is the 40th of its release in the US. In honor of it, and the immense creativity offered by The Beatles over the years they were together, I offer links to various Sgt. Pepper homages.

Documentary called “The Making of Sgt. Pepper”

A mini documentary done on the 20 year anniversary

The portion of the ABC’s ‘Revolutions’ documentary regarding the album

Paul discussing the album

More dicussion about the creative backgound of the album

Paul and Bono’s version at Live 8

Kelly Clarkson’s version on Americn Idol. I have to say, she does have a killer voice

Animated version of the Sgt. Pepper song from the movie ‘Yellow Submarine’

Cover Art outakes

ABC News report yesterday

Another News Report

Here’s a real trip… a Japanese Beatles tribute band

I’m spending the night in tribute listening to my brother Jay’s band “The British Beat” playing at the Central Cafe in Palinville, CT. He’s ‘Ringo’. My brother Terry just got asked to join the band as ‘George’, although he is not playing tonight. If anyone is in the area, come on out an join us. It’s a fun evening of sing-along.

Pieces of Bob

DAILY MUSE | My bosses daughter, Nicole, lives in Philadelphia and works with a creative group that does film, print, advertising etc. They participated this year in the 48 Hour Film Project— a national contest in which teams have only 48 hours to write, produce, film and edit a 5 minute short film. Each team has to incorporate two of the same things: a particular character (this year it was home inspector, Kevin Oman- or something like that) and a particular prop (this year it was lotion).

This is their entry. It’s very clever, funny and well done. I’m amazed that they can pull this entire thing off in 48 hours– must have involved some all nighters. Watch for the lotion and the “K Man”. Nicole did the graphics at the beginning (pretty nifty) and end credits.

VIEWER ALERT | This film is for mature audiences only. It contains Strong Language and (Really Funny) Nudity.